Evangeline A. Lee

Evangeline A. Lee 2022-02-03T14:58:27+00:00

BArch (Hons) MArch PGDip PPMA

Evie joined the practice shortly after completing her RIBA Part I (BArch) degree at The University of Lincoln in 2016. She has since gone onto obtain her RIBA Part II (MArch) qualification and Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice and Management in Architecture and obtained her RIBA Part III Qualification, registering as an Architect in 2022.

Evie has been part of the team full-time for three years and she has worked on a wide range of projects including commercial, residential and church renovation projects. She has also obtained first hand experience with projects on site, performing contract administrative duties and managing both clients and contractors during the construction period. Evie has a particular interest in residential projects, including designing one-off new builds and housing schemes for developers. Being naturally inquisitive and having a keen eye for detail, she is an asset on all projects, providing an excellent service to our clients.

As the office chatterbox, she also assists with our social media platforms. Outside the office, Evie is a fitness enthusiast and enjoys visiting different parts of the country. She also enjoys interior design and has recently undertaken her own house renovation.